Thursday, October 18, 2012

Updates and Such

Well, hello again, people. I've just survived an exam on political theory, of all things.
It's been a while since I've posted on The Idealistic Cynic. I had one idea for a post earlier this summer, but turned it into a column for my newspaper instead.  Apparently it somehow slipped under the radar of the G+ crowd when I shared it, so ya'll can read it here. My earlier column, which I think is still relevant, can be found by clinking here.

Now, while I did start this blog to comment on political theory, I warned ya'll that it'd also be about whatever else I came across. I think any musings I have on political theory might be more well-reasoned after I've finished up my classes on political theory, but I do have some other stuff that might keep ya'll entertained, including some Literature Journal entries that I think are interesting, and some short stories. Stay tuned!