Thursday, February 16, 2012

First Principles & Presuppositions

Hello all,
  I am Derringer Dick, the Idealist Cynic.  I call myself that because, first, it's contradictory and sounds clever, and second, because it reflects a very important facet of my beliefs; namely, that there are ideals and goals that individuals, society, and the government should strive for, but at the end of the day, there is no such thing as a perfect system of government or even a perfect person.  
  All of humankind is fallen, and as humans strive towards something better, they should be wary of expecting something more than human.  History is a long story of humanity's failings as a collective whole, and our most recent events in the 20th century have shown us that ideals and visions of a perfect society are often mirages that hide real evil.  (See Nazi Germany and Communism as a whole.)  Too often, humans trying to help have inadvertently hurt, and these spectacular failings should temper our enthusiasm in the future.
  As you may have guessed, I'm starting this blog to post my reflections on government & political theory, as well as whatever else I come across.  I'm an eclectic person, so be prepared for almost anything!  

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